Parent Attorney Conference

North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts 901 Corporate Center Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina

NCAJ Virtual Convention

North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts 901 Corporate Center Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina

All programing will be delivered on a new, state-of-the-art virtual platform through Elevate virtual event systems, including a virtual exhibit hall where you can mix and mingle with NCAJ sponsors and exhibitors and even win prizes. The June 11 NCAJ Annual Meeting will include awards, a state of the association address from Executive Director Kim Crouch, the […]

Spring Public Defender and Investigator Conference

North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts 901 Corporate Center Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina

This year’s conference will be offered remotely through a Zoom meeting platform. Registrants will receive a unique link to view the program live, which we encourage you to attend if you are able so that you can ask questions and participate in any discussions or activities. If you are unable to participate in all live […]